Running, walls, & family LOVE.

You know you have seen it.  Typically worn by tall, skinny, fast-running men, the “dorky” water belt.  Since I started seriously running this past spring, I have silently judged anyone wearing one.  Toughen up, dig deeper.  I was not going to run with the dorkish water belt around my waist.  Not this girl.  Then I learned the hard way.

It was an 86 degree, humid, sticky day in AA.  Too humid.  Determined, I put on my running gear and took off down the trail around the pond.  At mile marker 2.2 of the 4 mile run, I started feeling awful.  Failing to use common sense and STOP running, I kept going and going.  Finally back at home, I couldn’t get warm enough.  Weird, because it was extremely hot outside and I was sweating profusely.  I figured out I had a fever, I was likely dehydrated, and my teeth wouldn’t stop chattering.  Fortunately my husband is a doctor.  Unfortunately, he is a resident and basically works all the time resulting in him not being home during this “episode.” Via cellphone, Dr. husband diagnosed me with heatstroke.  With a horrible headache and chattering teeth, my perspective on water belts changed.

Since the heat stroke no joke episode, here is my new gear:



I am the proud owner and wearer of the Nathan water belt.  A few other tips if you are running more than forty-five (45) minutes at a time: (1) eat Sport Beans–watermelon flavor (made by Jelly Belly); and (2) buy Smart Wool socks:



Since my new purchases, my long runs are better.  Drinking water, eating the appropriate number of Sport Beans, plus the wicking socks, really does make a difference.  I’ll post about the amazing Lululemon running clothes I recently bought at a later date (Matt has started calling our 1/2 marathon the $1,000 half).  

In all seriousness, it has been awesome to have another goal, together.  Matt has been training with me, and although he can literally run circles around me, for real, it has been great to train as a couple.

But, we haven’t just been running.  Another goal of ours is FINISHING the kitchen.  It has been a bit touch and go, plan and re-plan, but we think we are good to go in tearing down 27 inches of this wall:



Basically the wall will be torn out to the refrigerator.  This will allow most of the dining room to look into the kitchen and vice versa.  It will be fabulous not to be “boxed in” the kitchen while entertaining or even just when cooking.  Less wall will also allow for more natural light to flood the kitchen.  Winning.

Lastly, I can’t end this post without some family love.  I have been able to spend lots of time lately with my favorite sister:



And we had special visitors today, Gramps and Gramisebaby:



We also celebrated our sweet niece’s second birthday.  Life is full of good things.

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